- There are 1274 condominiums Palm Valley Country Club.
- Palm Valley Country Club sits on 433 acres of land.
- The Coachella Valley has 92 different golf clubs.
- The Coachella Valley has 139 different golf courses.
- Palm Desert has 26 different golf clubs and 38 different golf courses both of which is more than any other city in California!.
- According to our Golf Course Superintendent they put down 118,000 lbs of seed on the two golf courses – 700 lbs per acre.
- Palm Valley Country Club has 22 lakes – which is more than The Lakes Country Club.
- We have a very rare double-headed palm tree right next to the 8th green on the Championship Course. Palm trees do not branch like other trees, so having double heads is the result of some sort of incident, like lightning or disease.
- HOA Tree Facts – there are 5,600 (+or-50) Palm Trees in Palm Valley. HOA has 2,598 trees and the Golf Course has 3,034 trees.
- The trees are predominantly 3 palm tree varieties, Mediterranean Fan, Roebelenii (aka Pygmy Date Palm) and Washingtonian (the ones that get trimmed every June).