Men’s Club Policies

All previous policies and amendments are hereby void effective August 29, 2021, except for the following policies that will remain in effect until such time as they are amended or rescinded by the Board.

Tournament Policies:
1/ To be eligible to play in an event a member
must be a Men’s Club Member (21 or older) – including payment of dues of $100.
2/ In addition to the above, to be eligible to play for the Men’s Club Championship,
a member must have played a minimum of (2) Men’s Club events in the current season.
3/ Each Tournament will have it’s own Format that may include Tee Box choices, Handicap boundaries, Minimum drives, etc..
4/ For all 2-man events there is a 10 stroke maximum differential between team members’ handicap indices.

Handicap Policies: 
   1. All rounds must be posted to GHIN by midnight on the day a round is played.
The Handicap Committee is charged with ensuring that each member’s handicap index
        accurately reflects his demonstrated scoring ability. In order to accomplish that goal, the
       Committee must be certain that a member records each postable round on an accurate
       and timely basis.

   a. If, after investigation, the Handicap Committee finds that a Member has been
         repeatedly violating the above score posting requirement (without valid reasons)
        the Handicap Committee may issue a Penalty Score(s) equal to the lowest score
        of the Member’s last 20 posted rounds.
            i. The Member will be informed of the Committee’s decision
            ii. The Member will have 72 hours to submit a written appeal to the Committee
            iii. If the Member is not in agreement with the result of that appeal, he may
                 submit a written appeal to the Men’s Club Board.
   b. If the above Member repeatedly fails to comply with the Score Posting
        requirement under Section 1 above, the Committee may take additional
       disciplinary actions’ including withdrawing the Member’s handicap index,
       adjusting the Member’s handicap for a specific event, or disqualifying the
       member from future events.
          i. The Member will be informed of the Committee’s decision
The Member will have 72 hours to submit a written appeal to the Committee.
         iii. The decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final.

 A Member in good standing is eligible for a $100 award and a plaque if he meets all of the following criteria:

  1. Scores a hole-in-one on either the Championship or Challenge Course at PVCC
  2. First shot only – no mulligans, breakfast balls or third shot in case the tee shot was lost or out-of-bounds
  3. Must be witnessed by another player
  4. Must complete and submit the Hole-In-One form (available in the Pro Shop)
  5. Must immediately complete and turn into the Pro Shop a legible and signed scorecard after completion of the round
  6. Must post the round in the GHIN system
  7. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Board is final

Equipment Policy:
In accordance with USGA requirements, players in all tournaments must only use sanctioned golf equipment including sanctioned golf balls.

Website ( – The intent of the Website is to provide a means to disseminate information relevant to membership in the Men’s Club. Such items include (authorized senders indicated in parentheses):
Men’s Club events (Tournament Chairman or his designee)
Deaths of members and their spouses/significant others (President)
Other PVCC golf events (Secretary or Membership Chairman)

        1. Twilight
        2. Super Bowl
        3. Masters’
  • Ineligibility for Men’s Club Events
    1. The 5-year ineligibility rule (see Section 3.2 of the By-Laws) will apply to all non-members who might otherwise be permitted to participate in a Men’s Club golf tournament.
  • Honorary Member Activities
    1. An Honorary Member must be a former Men’s Club Member in good standing who has permanently “retired” from golf.  He must submit his request for Honorary Member status to the Membership Chairman by letter or email.  No dues will be collected from Honorary Members, but the Honorary Members and their spouses are invited to attend after-golf functions (and participate in raffles (if any) if they pay the cost of those meals.
    2. The Board reserves the right to rescind Honorary Membership status for due cause at any time.